My friend codes the d#iscord bot so that aprt is covered. However, he dose nto know anything baotu roblox. If anyone is a pro scripter or knows both can help that would be ace.
So bascially a command is ran called “/UpdateServers” from a d#iscord bot. Once ran it will begin a coutndown of 5 minuites. It will send a UI notification in game with the title of “GAME UPDATE” and a description text of “The game will update in 5 minuites. Please wrap up your activities and preapre for a server restart.” Once the 5 minuite timer has ended it will do another announcement in game with the screen UI but the description text will say “The game is now being updated with the next published update. We appologise for any inconveince caused against your activivited in the game”. After 60 seconds of that beign said then the game servers get re-booted.