A very advanced Kit for Tycoons | Ruixey's Tycoonkit


Hello everyone,

I’ve recently made a Tycoonkit which can be bought by anyone who has discord.

:warning: New Version 2 of the Kit for 5000 Robux coming soon :warning:

This is the official guide on how to use it correctly and the right place for feedback.

Join the discord server (required)

Go to Documentation

Go to Documentation and jump to “How To Buy” section

  • Version 1.0.0:

    • Released the Kit
  • Version 1.1.0:

    • Fixed claim/unclaim bug
  • Version 1.2.0:

    • + Find Next Button UI + Setting
    • + Drop Teleporter Purchase + Config
  • Version 1.3.0:

    • + Drop Physics on Client as a Setting
    • + Support for custom UI above each button
  • Version 1.4.0:

    • Fixed error when a Purchase has no Parts to be animated
    • Fixed AutoSetDropColorToTycoonColor Setting
    • + Buttons for Autocollect and DoubleCash
    • + Autocollect if player is in Group Setting
    • + Custom function for you to make custom requirements for autocollect
    • Moved some Stuff around for future updates
  • Version 1.5.0:

    • + Setting for the DropTag Currency & Amount Color
    • + Volume Setting to the Sounds
    • + Setting to blacklist the whole Purchase from Animations
    • + New Error Sound
    • + Support for a DoubleCash & Autocollect button to work in Studio
    • + Setting to show Drops only on the Client
    • + Setting to change the name of “Rebirths”
    • Purchased Folder needs to be in the Tycoon, so you can make Buttons destroy Walls
    • Fixed DeleteObjects
    • Changed Codes for easier understanding
    • The “PurchaseTypes” folder needs to stay in the kit from now on
    • Every Purchase can now contain more than 1 “PurchaseType” script
    • Fixed Cash getting added after Rebirthing
    • Fixed buttons with Dependency set to a button that requires rebirthing blocking rebirthing
    • Removed Error Sound when running over a Gamepass button and the purchase Prompt appears.
  • Version 1.6.0:

    • Fixed OnlyOverwrite mode on Upgraders
    • Wrote better understandable Templates
    • Fixed “2x” cash gamepass tag on Drops hidden after Upgrader
  • Version 1.7.0:

    • Fixed duplicated Leaderboards showing the same list
    • Removed Leaderboard showing players with a stat of 0
    • + Security improvements
    • Fixed Error when spamming Rebirths
    • ClaimPart (the part the player must touch to claim the Tycoon) now can be anywhere in Essentials, just the name must match
    • + Modes for Numbers (None, Comma, Suffix)
    • + Modes on CurrencyCollectors
    • + Modes on ButtonTags
    • + Modes on Drops
    • + Player’s Character on every ImageLabel in Essentials with a specific Name
    • + ButtonsLeft now displays on the UI like a currency for the Default UI
  • Version 1.8.0:

    • Fixed “For Hire” Team not getting occupied
    • Fixed Player still respawning at tycoon after unclaiming
    • Fixed ButtonsLeft UI showing up before first claim
    • + Setting for all leaderboards to save
    • + Setting to reset all leaderboards
    • Default DropperConfig changed
    • + New options for the UpgraderConfig
    • Fixed DropTag showing a currency twice after an upgrader
    • Fixed Codes not being saved correctly
    • + Premium Buttons (Buttons that require premium mebership to be bought, they are not needed for rebirthing)
  • Version 1.9.0:

    • Fixed Exploit issue
  • Version 1.10.0:

    • Fixed DropOrientation causing drops to lag back
    • Fixed Upgraders being able to upgrade the same drop multiple times
    • Fixed DropTag duplicating after going through the Upgrader
  • Version 1.11.0:

    • Fixed localAnimations setting turned off causing issues when rebirthing
    • Fixed FindButtonGui telling the player to buy premium-only buttons
    • Fixed AutoCollect stacking drop worth
    • Fixed Error when trying to load non-existant purchases
  • Version 1.12.0:

    • Migrated to roblox’s new CollisionGroup system
    • Removed some prints that were left from testing
  • Version 1.13.0:

    • Fixed CodeDropper stopped working after rebirthing until reclaiming
    • Fixed NoPlayerCollision Setting not working
    • Fixed a typo that caused the kit to break in a specific case (very unlikely)
  • Version 1.14.0:

    • Fixed CodeDropper not working after rebirthing twice
    • + Added a new RebirthUI
    • Fixed the rebirth formula being inacurate
    • Fixed RunFunction for codes not executing
    • Fixed Unclaim button not dissapearing when the setting is turned off
    • Fixed buttonsLeft count not updating after rebirthing until a button is bought
  • Version 1.14.1:

    • Fixed deleteObjects spawning again after reclaiming the tycoon (this bug was introduced in 1.14.0)
  • Version 1.14.2:

    • Fixed DestroyObjects respawning after rebirth when button is in “IgnoreFromDeletion”
    • Fixed tycoon not removing on leave because player.Team couldn’t be set
  • Version 1.14.3:

    • Fixed “AmountDisplayType” setting breaking the kit when “Comma” mode is used.
  • Version 1.15.0:

    • Added API parameter to custom functions for more customizability


Click here, join that place and swipe left till you see “Tycoonkit v1”, then click ‘Join’ to get to the showcase place for the kit.



The kit costs 1,000 :robux_gold:

I am currently also working on an even better kit (Version 2) which costs 5,000 :robux_gold:.

The devforum of that kit will be linked here


  • coolprismo: The kit is definitely worth it since it’s very easy to edit for someone like me who is bad at scripting :+1:t4:

  • vvSyth: gotta say 10x better than most tycoon kits, Especially since you get a whole community you can ask questions about it, Its also very dated and actively being updated 8/10

  • GTX_3: It’s better than any tycoon kit, Overall great experience 10/10

  • 165315: Really amazing kit, just waiting for V2. Very customizable and easy to edit to add your own things to it. Easy to troubleshoot too, very organized with explanations on what each thing does and how to edit them in the configuration file.

  • DovaIncarnate: this is hands down the best tycoon kit ive seen and im very happy with buying it and its the first thing ive ever bought dev kit wise i rate it 10/10

  • Clandestine9: Ruixey’s Tycoon Kit is well documented, easy to use, and comes ready-to-go. V1 was a fair price and comes with many features. I was previously using Zednov’s free kit, and this is lightyears ahead of that. I’m really pleased with having made this purchase. Good job Ruixey!

  • TheRealCloody: For how cheap this tycoon kit was and its incredible ease of use in combination with tons of customization options and a discord server for support, the V1 kit is without a doubt the best Roblox tycoon kit I’ve ever seen.

These are just the newest feedback posts I have at the time of writing this post.

See/Post more feedback in the discord server

How to report bugs?

  1. Join this Discord Server

  2. Write a detailed explaination of the issue in #bug-report using images.

  3. Watch #announcements to get a ping if a new version of the kit (hopefully with your problem fixed) comes out

That’s it,

Thanks for using Ruixey’s Tycoonkit!


Is this a completely new Save System or is this a version (or compatible) with the Save System by PlaasBoer (this) ?

The tycoonkit is completely self-made, even the save system.


So the point of this is to save time and energy making a tycoon game?
I like it!


yes, its made for people who don’t know how to script, but can be easely customized by the ones who know scripting


Again, I’m not too sure about the licensing. Of course, someone’s always going to distribute it, even if it says, “DO NOT DISTRIBUTE”. Some kid is of course not going to know what distribute means.

Again, adding “rbxassetid://” is a bad idea in the script. Some URLs don’t use “rbxassetid://”, and they use “rbxasset://” for internal client assets. For plain numbers “rbxassetid://” should be added.

Also, if you’re trying to get feedback for it, I don’t recommend making it costly.


Its formated as a feedback because you can’t publish it any other way on devforum. If I see that someone used it without owning it, I will take their game down. I don’t know why roblox won’t let me sell a plugin that contains the kit.

1 Like

Alright, this makes sense now. I never thought of this.

Super cool but this thread would better fit in #resources:community-resources

nope, got unlisted by the roblox staff there


No, because this is a paid Kit, not open source.


The new Version 1.5 is now avialable, please upgrade your Tycoonkit because some important stuff has been fixed!


The description should be changed to say “Things marked blue”. That would make it less confusing to the user.

1 Like

This kit is very epic and the best tycoon kit ive seen so far

There is a spelling mistake with some of the documentation, like Currencys and Dependencys.

Is this still being updated by any chance?

it will be updated, I just didn’t have the time to update the post yet, because I focus to finish v2 as soon as possible


The best tycoon kit out there. Its very simple to use. It has alot of features and alot more to come in V2.

Im using this kit for my game Hotel Tycoon


Outstanding tycoon kit! I’ve bought this to able make a Tycoon easier, and It’s been doing exactly how I wanted it to. I’ve been using it for my Warfare Tycoon [NEW!] - Roblox game.


I can’t belive you made that tycoon from this kit… I’m tempted to buy it

just released Documentation | Ruixey Studios
so the documentation will be on the website and stuff like

  • Update Log
  • Feedback
  • Introduction
  • Showcase

will be here