when a new user joins and their rank becomes a member they get a message saying promotion to the new member and greetings from discobot, that really it. but I feel that you’re able to explore without having to read any starting helpful guides.
So I got this idea of a welcome screen, something like this
when a new user joins. the person would be gritty with a welcome screen that they have to read the rules, how to use flags to report bad posts and etc, they must read all the following topics that are on welcome screen for they can start browsing devforum. i hoping this may prevent Unnecessary topics
Yes, I would like something like that since I found the tutorial with discobot to be quite confusing at times, and many people do not read the rules and when they get leveled up to member, they spam off-topic things all over the forum.
I think that this is a good idea. I think they should add a tab in the dev forum where it has those “help and feedback” tabs or " portfolio" etc. They should add a tab that says “introductory” or something along those lines that has information about the dev forum that users can go to whenever they need assistance or direct basic help about the dev forum.
I think not. because that would be hard. or other reasons that I dont know though. but people may explain it soon. Instead do the idea by @Darkzonian or @static2240. Its an better idea. What do you think?