A whole bunch of texture problems!

I first, need to give some background information for this to all make sense.

I am currently working on recreating the game “Cry of Fear” in roblox. Cry of fear is a very old horror game that runs on the gold source engine which was used for half life 1. This means that most of the file formats are different from what we use now. For example instead of obj/fbx files, they used bsp files(for maps) and mdl files(for small models like weapons and enemies). For images, instead of using pngs and jpgs, they used tga files. Roblox does not support bsp and mdl files so I converted all the files that are bsp and mdl files to obj files. Roblox, however, does support tga files but not very well, based off of my experience. I am currently working on just importing the different maps into roblox studio, no small models.

The way I am putting the maps into roblox is as follows.

  1. Open the actual Cry of Fear game directory through Steam
  2. Open “Crafty” (This is a program that allows you to view bsp files and export them as obj’s)
  3. Drag and drop the map segment (bsp file) into Crafty to load and view the map.
  4. Export the map from Crafty as an obj file.
  5. Open blender and import the obj file.
  6. Separate all materials into separate objects (so now each different material is its own obj file.)
  7. Copy and paste all the .tga materials into my Cry of Fear remake files.(Google Drive>Games>Cry of Fear rblx Remake> “section of game” > “different maps for that section of the game”)

The section of the game I am working on currently is the start. (Because I just started working on this project) So it would be, Google Drive>Games>Cry of Fear rblx Remake> start > “different maps for that section of the game”

  1. Switch to Blender 2.8 to run a script that allows you to bulk export. (I had 136 things to export and didn’t want to do each one by hand)
  2. Bulk import all obj files into roblox using asset manager.

The problems

First Problem: Textures are completely transparent even when the texture id is filled.

This is what it looks like in roblox studio.

This is what it is supposed to look like, and what it looks like in blender.

Solutions I have tried:

  1. I have tried nothing other than turning double sided on, which has not solved the issue.

Second Problem. Texture is not showing up (is just gray), even when the texture id is filled.

This is what it looks like in roblox studio

This is what it is supposed to look like, and what it looks like in blender.

Solutions I have tried:

  1. Uploading the texture to roblox to see if it was some sort of moderation issue. There was no moderation issue. Did not solve the problem. Here is the link to the texture start2_material_85 - Roblox

  2. Putting the newly uploaded texture into the texture ID. Did not work.

  3. Putting a surface appearance and putting the texture ID into the colormap. Did not work.

(side note) It is giving me an error that reads " Unable to generate ‘Workspace.Meshes/start2.086 (2).SurfaceAppearance’ due to some of the textures being unavailable. Change a TextureId property to retry."

Third Problem. Texture is extremely big and is not conforming to the area it is supposed to be in.

This is what it looks like in roblox studio. That giant brick wall texture is supposed to be inside of the highlighted area.

This is what it is supposed to look like and is what it looks like in blender.

Solutions I have tried:

  1. Converting the tga file texture into a png and reimporting it using the png. Did not work.

  2. Baking the texture onto a new plane and reimporting it. Did not work.

  3. Scaling down the highlighted area until the texture fit. Did work HOWEVER, if you are at the “wrong” camera angle, it will make it disappear.

Right camera angle

“Wrong” camera angle

I know this post is a lot of stuff and I tried to keep as simple, yet detailed, as possible. If you have ANY questions on what I meant by something or something didn’t make sense please, please, PLEASE ask for me to explain it better. I am pulling my hair out with these problems and just really need an answer.

All credit to the creators of Cry Of Fear for the textures, map, story, etc.


I have figured out a fix for one of the problems. The textures not showing up (is just gray), even when the texture id is filled.

You open the tga file into photoshop.
Crop it by like 2 pixels.
Put the cropped texture onto your mesh.
Import it back into roblox.

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I have also figured out a fix for when the texture is super big. It only happens when there is a plane with no thickness.

Go into blender, extrude the mesh out. (You may have to re do the uv mapping)
Reimport and export it.

Oh and I just figured out how to fix the problem where the texture is totally transparent.

Its the same way you fix the super big texture problem.

This doesn’t necessarily answer your questions but I don’t know if what your trying to do with this game is necessarily allowed (copyright).

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Solution: make the models in roblox and only import textures, because we can see that the modeling is simple.

I am pretty sure it is fine. The copyright on it is CC-BY-SA. So this means I can remake the game but I HAVE to give credit to all the people who worked on the game and I cannot make money off of the game.