A working animated morph (feedback on animations and a base animal rig)

Hello there! For about four months I was stumped on how to make an animated morph ( with a gui ) when I finally figured it out! I made a base animal rig, which if you tweaked it could become basically anything with enough effort. I am happy with how it turned out! I want feedback on the animations ( a bit choppy and quickly made just as a base ) and the basic model ( also since its a base, it is very choppy )


It looks like all of the joints you put onto the skeleton have really gone to waste. You have all of these leg joints and you should use them for the walking animation. watch some videos of horses and deer walking to get a good idea of what the movement looks like. It’s a good start, and the neck movement is really nice, but needs to be a bit faster to keep up with the walking.

ah I know, but I didn’t want to put much time into it since I don’t know what kind of animal im going for, I mainly just wanted to get it simple so I can add more detail to the animations once I have fully decided.

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That walking animation that I described is a good base for all other animals with that kind of inverted knee. Also, the back legs aren’t really touching the ground in a flat way.