A Yummy Chocolate Bar

Hello! I’ve been trying to learn how to 3d model so I decided to make a Chocolate Bar!

This is my 3rd 3d model. Feedback is appreciated!


i cant really 3d model so i dont know how i could rate it but it looks really nice


This is a very good start, Was this made in studio btw?


At one point, I like how the chocolate bar was made

And two, I like how you’ve mentioned 3rd twice in a row

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Nope the chocolate bar was made in blender

It’s a good start! I’ve been a 3D modeler for a few years and I think this is a great 3rd model.


stop making me hungry
good model though


me eating Chocolate:
:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

nice model


tbh,for your 3rd model,it isnt so bad,10/10

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Yummy, I would eat it! It looks pretty good

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its not great. 4.3/10 because: it doesn’t look like chocolate. chocolate would have darker spots, and it would be slightly melting, and whatnot. take a reference image:

see that? real chocolate bars also have detailed patterns.

It was his 3RD one! Give him some slack.


jeez you don’t gotta be so rude, but even if it was his third model its not great.

i think its looks yummy

6/10 on the bar

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I was rude?!? You’re the one insulting him.


Screen Shot 2021-05-15 at 11.26.22 AM
you’re speaking like that,
Screen Shot 2021-05-15 at 11.26.31 AM
and that,
very rude.

but jesus christ, I know he’s a beginner, just telling him what he can add

and now you’re saying im INSULTING him? How on earth am I insulting hiim?

Let’s not start petty, useless arguments. Grow up.

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I don’t find it really rude, give me some slack man, I just started modeling.

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yea i know sorry but im just saying how you can add more detail to it. for example you could split it up then scale that then push it down then get a 3d model of hershey’s text and then negate it with all of the pieces. but i guess that might be a little too complex lol

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It looks good but, make sure whenever you’re making models to use its real life scale. A regular chocolate bar is about 5x2 inches.

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