GROUP: |АА| Australian Army - Roblox
The Australian Army is the land warfare branch of the Australian Defence Force. They are committed to fight and protect the land of Australia at the cost of their lives.
Always obey and listen to the military police (MP). This rule applies to all ranks; including the ranks of General Officers.
You are to address superior officers as sir or ma’am depending on their gender. If they are below the rank of commission, they must be referred to as their rank.
Obey and do not question orders from officers. If they are breaking a law, they can be reported.
While on active duty as personnel, your avatar must be realistic. (No packages, no unrealistic face, no t-shirts, etc.)
All regimental recruits must wear a PT.
Leaking any intelligence from the Australian Army will result in a permanent blacklist + ban.
Killing anyone higher than a Brigadier (BRIG) is a ban-able offense.
Raiding as enlisted personnel is not allowed. However, this rule does not apply to civilians.
You may not advertise any army other than the Australian Army.
Do not:
Bypass chat filter.
Take any action that is against Roblox’s terms of service.