Description: This antique Victorian House located in Peckham London UK, once belonged to a family of 4, a derelict house, repugnant and mouldy, fear can be felt in the darkness, you can sometimes even hear the family speak, or scream during the nights from the same house.
As of right now, its been abandoned for quite some time, ghost and more creatures haunt it till today!
Map Contest Submission for Paranormica
Worked by: @Vernlage @absconsio @CreatorManselar
1783 Parts, 2 Days, Dismiss the lamp placement, they’re just there to light up the entire room
Those lights on the ceiling look a little out of place compared to everything else. I think that because just about everything else around it is a mesh with a texture and the lights appear to be a few smooth plastic parts with not as much detail. Besides that, this is amazing. Good work!
I don’t really like the use of the image wallpaper and the standard textures on some of the furniture and things. So I would honestly rather if you had more 3D details inside of images, but for a simple house, it is fine.
Looks Amazing, The textures on all the meshes/parts give that abandoned feeling look. When it comes of abandoned you think of cracked floors and walls. I suggest you maybe add cracks to some of the walls so it looks like someone or something broke it. I’d imagine adding a mold texture inside the crack.