local abbreviations = { -- our abbreviations
N = 10^30;
O = 10^27;
Sp = 10^24;
Sx = 10^21;
Qn = 10^18;
Qd = 10^15;
T = 10^12;
B = 10^9;
M = 10^6;
K = 10^3
function abbreviateNums(number)
local abbreviatedNum = number -- our number that we want to abbreviate
local abbreviationChosen = 0 -- helpful variable
for abbreviation, num in pairs(abbreviations) do
if number >= num and num > abbreviationChosen then
local shortNum = number / num
local intNum = math.floor(shortNum)
abbreviatedNum = tostring(intNum) .. abbreviation .. "+"
abbreviationChosen = num
return abbreviatedNum -- we return it, so that we could use it more.
local suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q"}
function roundNumber(number)
local finalNr = math.floor((((number/1000^(math.floor(math.log(number, 1e3))))*100)+0.5)) /100 .. (suffixes[math.floor(math.log(number, 1e3))] or "")
return finalNr
then just do
roundNumber(money) --money is your currency so like Bloins in your case
textlabel.Text = tostring(roundNumber(money))