Abbreviating with comma's

I have this module wich makes for example: 5340000 to 5.34M

but how would I make it so that when the number is lower than 1 billion or million, it will ad commas like this:

543000000 = 543,000,000
5430000000 = 5,43B

This is my module:

local Module = {}

function Module.AbbreviateNumber(Number: number, Decimals)
	return math.floor(((Number < 1 and Number) or math.floor(Number) / 10 ^ (math.log10(Number) - math.log10(Number) % 6)) * 10 ^ (Decimals or 2)) / 10 ^ (Decimals or 2)..(({"", "M", "B", "T", "Qa", "Qn", "Sx", "Sp", "Oc", "No", "Dc"})[math.floor(math.log10(Number) / 3)] or "")

return Module

Please help me with this.

Here’s a quick module I threw together for one of my games!

Returns a human-readable, abbreviated number from the given <em>number</em>

<strong>number:</strong> The number to format
<strong>numberOfDecimals: </strong> The number of decimals that should be included
function Format.AbbreviateNumber(number: number, numberOfDecimals: number): string
	local negative = number < 0
	number = math.abs(number)

	if number < 1000 then
		return (negative and "-" or "") .. tostring(number)

	for i, suffix in Format.Suffixes do
		if number < 10^(3 * i) then
			local abbreviatedNumber = number / 10^(3 * (i - 1))
			local formatString = "%." .. (numberOfDecimals or 0) .. "f"
			abbreviatedNumber = string.format(formatString, abbreviatedNumber)

			return (negative and "-" or "") .. abbreviatedNumber .. suffix

	return (negative and "-" or "") .. string.format("%e", number)

    Returns a human-readable, comma separated number from the given <em>number</em>

    <strong>number:</strong> The number to format
function Format.AddCommasToNumber(number)
	local minus, int, fraction = tostring(number):match('([-]?)(%d+)([.]?%d*)')

	int = int:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,", "")


From here you just need to add a check to see if the number is under 1B, and if it is then return .AddCommasToNumber() instead

function formatNumber(n)
	if n >= 1e9 then
		return string.format("%.2fB", n / 1e9)
	elseif n >= 1e6 then
		return string.format("%.2fM", n / 1e6)
		local formatted = tostring(n):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse()
		return formatted:sub(1, 1) == "," and formatted:sub(2) or formatted


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The common way is to reverse a number, pattern match for every 3 digits and replace that with the match plus a comma at the end, reverse it again, then remove any leading comma if one exists.

I know how to make that, but I’m trying to fuse them.

im kinda confused what you mean, but i’ll take a guess:

make an if statement to check if the number is under 1b, if it is, use the add commas function, if its over 1b, use the abbreviate function, and just use string.gsub() to replace the periods with commas?

Is my post not what you wanted… Did you even run it?