Ability to access 'Create' for mobile

The Issue
As a Roblox developer it is currently inaccessible for me and other users to access the ‘Create’ page for the Roblox mobile app. We all know, we can’t access the ‘Create’ feature in the mobile app version of Roblox, which is hard for most mobile users.

People are also, having problems in contributing creations for the community because sometimes the creations they have made in their larger devices, or PC’s, this is also very inconvinient because without the ‘Creations’ page for mobile, it became very inconsistent and inconvinient for developers who aren’t using larger devices in the moment and has to rely on their mobile devices for minor editing in their creations.

What is the ‘Create’ Page?
To all users who aren’t clear to what ‘Create’ page I’m talking about…
The Create page, is a page or section on the Roblox website that allows users to see their games, shirts, pants, t-shirts, models, advertisements and decals, as well as the Developer Exchange.

Feature Request
The feature would go like this, users will press ‘Create’ and it would take them to the Create Page where they create their own models, games, shirts, etc. while they’re on PC.

Create button for mobile

Page where it will redirect the user

If Roblox could add this feature, it would greatly benefit mobile users because it would be easier and accessible to edit things, which are only accessible for PC, and this would greatly benefit others because the accessibility to see the user’s games, advertisements, shirts, pants, t-shirts, models, assets, etc… is much more easier as they could access it in their mobile devices, and another fact, that made this helpful is that users no longer need to open larger devices just to open ‘Create’ to see, edit, or make creations.


In an RDC talk this weekend, they mentioned Roblox is working on a new site (create.roblox.com) which will work across devices and developer-related functionality will be moved there.


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