Ability to adjust font size on the Roblox Creator Hub

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to read text on the Creator Hub ever since the recent change in the Creator Hub font. I feel as though this new font has brought a new change in text size along with text style and I’m not liking the new size. It’s a bit smaller than the size of the previous font, which is making text harder to read text now.

Here are areas of the Creator Hub where I especially feel the struggle to read text:

  • Store: Product titles, descriptions and reviews
  • Talent Hub: Pages of job posts, inbox messages, creator page bios, work history descriptions, team descriptions
  • Forums: Topic bodies and topic replies
  • Settings: Sidebar listing the different setting categories
  • Top Navigation Bar: Section titles
  • Localization: Strings, Sidebar containing languages

In short, I believe any location that uses basic/plain text is affected. I’m most likely missing areas on my list as plain text is featured on a broad number of areas.

A workaround to this issue is to increase the default zoom size of your web browser or to zoom in using a mousepad or touchscreen but I’d rather not do these every time I visit the Roblox creator hub.

A simple solution to this issue would be to implement a new preference setting to adjust the size of the font that is being used.

If this issue were to be addressed, I would have an easier time reading text on the Roblox Creator Hub.


& Ability to change font type on the Roblox or return the old one


That’s a great idea as well, I would love to use different fonts, I support your idea.


ls_script Roblox is removing Gotham & Arial later this year, so yeah that won’t be an option.

Well, they can use system fonts like -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, San Francisco, Segoe UI Emoji, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

Arial is a system font?

roblox, i do not like this thirty_character limit

yeah, it is!

I hate the thirty.character limit too