Ability to Advertise Group Games with Group Funds

This would be a very useful feature - one that for some reason isn’t an option right now (??)

I believe that it would be immensely useful for group creators and game owners to have the ability to advertise group games with the funds that come from their group (right now they can only advertise their group, not individual games). Could this perhaps be considered by the Web Team?



It only takes one extra step to advertise group games without any loss of money (pay out to yourself, then advertise the game). This would be great for convenience but that’s really all it does, it doesn’t enable you to do anything you couldn’t beforehand.

The issue is that you can’t advertise group games at all, even if you have place access :stuck_out_tongue:

I just confirmed it

Maybe file that as a separate bug report in that case

I thought it’d be a good feature suggestion, as it isn’t exactly a bug, more of a result of not having this feature.

I can advertise my group places just fine from this page btw:

Strange, perhaps it is a bug then