Ability to Archive Clothing Assets

Watch it be, like, December 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM


This is amazing and only took 2 years.

It makes me so happy to know that folks now finally have the key to remove the bomb of account termination from them.


It is a very welcome change.

It eases a lot of pressure, if it holds up as a legitimate true archival system.

There is some concern that the new archive feature will not amount to anything since its technically “delisting” items from the catalog, instead of completely deleting them from the platform, only making them visible to accounts that own them in their inventories if they had purchased them prior to archiving. There is concern, but I have yet to see any evidence, that simply delisting items from the catalog are still open to moderation.

If Roblox is true to their word on previous Archival requests from the past we shouldn’t have to worry.

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i’m just happy it’s done, my roblox account is now free from the chains of cringe clothing!!! this is a cause of celebration!!! :DDD


I want to reply here again regarding the recent clothing archival update and want to say it’s okay, and the reason why is because (at least for me and a few friends) archiving assets only partially works; it’s a 50-50 chance it will actually archive the clothing and hide it, or it will simply just take the clothing off sale. This is possibly a bug; however, archiving old clothing of mine after a certain date makes it not get fully archived, and it’s still accessible to logged-in users rather than redirecting you to the homepage when clicking on the archived asset.

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Users who still own the asset can still see it.
Those who don’t will be redirected to the catalog homepage.

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Even private stuff I uploaded and never sold still appear hours after archival, that’s the issue

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They’re still in your inventory, that could be the case.

Checked the post about the archiving update months ago and saw this:

“An archived item may still be the subject of an IP takedown report, but your decision to archive the item will be considered when applying any account penalties related to the IP report.”

Yeah, okay, this really further kills hype down for this for some i’ve seen, plus copyright_agent failed to purge my assets before this update was pushed so I still have tons of stuff that I made on here when I was like 11-16 years old that I want completely gone and seems like that’s not gonna happen.

I recently archived two flag shirts after finding out they’re restricted for usage, one now redirects to the roblox catalog, the other still… redirects to the item page for said shirt… :-/

Still curious about this part: “your decision to archive the item will be considered when applying any account penalties related to the IP report.”

What does this mean? if you archived it, you can just tell the appeals team about it and they remove the strike? or what? I hate the vagueness of this.

Like I said, the item is still present visible in any person who owns it, including you.
You can try going to the link while logged out or deleting the item from your inventory and seeing what happens.

Yeah, this part of the Archive Update is insane and stupid.

One of the best ways to make sure it almost never gets detected is to dis-name the item so key words search does not list the item. For instance the International Olympic Committee will take down anything even with the word “Olympic” in it even if you never used the Olympic Ring logo (which is also INSANE that its a protected trademark)

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The thing here is dozens of other archived items I own redirect to the catalog page for me, I thought it was intended that way.

Over a year ago a defunct unofficial Bohemian flag that was dubbed the “Bohemian Olympic flag” due to it’s one-time usage in the Olympic games got me a DMCA even though the flags design is just the coat of arms on a white field, I went far as to complain to the Olympics themselves only to not get a response lol

I went into the remediation program right after that happened so hopefully that did something but one guy said the program was discontinued, when did that happen? if it was discontinued before my strike was set to expire in 6 months, am I pretty much in a bad situation?

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So let me get this straight, all these items you archived are in your profile’s inventory, and not all of them, being archived, redirect you to the catalog? If so, that’s pretty weird.

That word “Olympic” is probably what got snagged by the DMCA tripwire. That link you provided to the Wikicommons explains how the flag itself is Public Domain. They just did a mass-purge of anything of the word “Olympic” or “Olympics” or any image on sale because for some reason the IOC believe they are entitled to a monopoly of anything Olympics related.

I believe that after enough time, without getting another strike, you’re DMCA slate is clean.

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Some redirect me, some don’t.

The term “Olympic” wasn’t even created by them, which makes this more infuriating; heck, the U.N. isn’t even that aggressive over people using their organizational name/flags. From what I’ve seen, it’s more of a “hey, stop that” thing based off an incident that involved misusage of their emblem and name in a movie once.

From what I been told, the DMCA strike system is somewhat different from the typical ban/moderation system, you can get multiple 7-day bans over the years without risk of being kicked out of the platform but three DMCA strikes is a path to a ban.

I am mainly trying to figure out when the program was discontinued as I want to make sure that strike that made me join the program in the first place was removed.

This issue is still persisting in which archived clothing pages are still accessible for some.

I archived a ton of shirts of mine recently and I need to see if a couple people can test this.

can anyone still access this page or only me?

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can’t access this page, brings me back to /catalog/

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hmm, aside from that, weirdly enough it embeds it for me too

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Nope. Doesn’t work for me.

The asset will work for any user that has it in their inventories, i.e. they bought it.
If you can see it, that means you haven’t removed it from your inventory.

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the thing here is some archived assets that i never deleted from my inventory do redirect me to the catalog, some don’t.

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Came across this, someone’s archived clothing got “DMCA’d” despite being archived, possibly AI-moderated related? still asking the OP if they got a DMCA message or not, if they did and it was truly archived, well, this further makes this feature feel pointless.

I am still curious about this and wonder if the fact some items do this mean they have some thing applied to them. I archived a ton more shirts and despite that, more stuff was a 50-50 again if it disappears when visited or not.