Ability to change group name

Sure, but that doesn’t solve much as they’re still technically there


Notifying members gives them the option to leave, so in a way it’s a partial solution


I guess so


You’re suggesting that under the assumption that everyone would see the notification immediately. If I’m on a week or two break from ROBLOX and “The Epic Soldiers” changed to “Fruity Pony Lovers” the day I left, people have been seeing me in that group for two weeks.

Name changing with optional leaving wouldn’t be particularly effective. Replace all “for name changes” with “for when the owner creates a new group” and that becomes more clear. E.g.

“It’s fine if the group name changes and keeps all members because they can leave


“It’s fine if the group leader keeps all members from his old group whenever he creates a new one because they can leave

This has been suggested numerous times, and we don’t need to go in circles discussing the feature. @Lilly_S please lock so we can resume discussion on an existing thread.


NBC Shirt Creators is an edge case. It doesn’t demonstrate how features will be used in the greater community; only how features can be abused. Granted, it’s necessary to design for that case.

I think the concerns in this thread can be mostly addressed by

  • Moderating name changes to ensure there’s no change in purpose
  • Only allowing 2-3 name changes
  • Charging a ton for name changes
  • Notifying members

I just gave my friend the group that has his UserId and it would be nice if he didn’t have to keep the original irrelevant name.

Separately from usernames, I don’t think it would be necessary to make the previous name unavailable to name a new group like how players can’t signup with a name someone else has had previously.


I can only think of those 2 solutions:

  • Allow group changes (if the new name isn’t taken, as with usernames) but delete all members in the process
  • Start a change process:
    Process takes a week, only after that week the name is actually changed.
    All members will have a button “Stay in group”, which’ll keep them in the group after that week.
    All other members will be kicked out of it

In both cases an automated mail can be sent to all the (ex-)members about the name change.


Would have to be a cancelable process because accounts could get compromised and kicking people out would not be good for large groups if they were to fall into the wrong hands, I get they can take ownership and start exiling, but that is a lengthy process.


That’ll work since it defaults to being kicked out instead of staying. 1 week cancelable sounds good too in case someone does get a hold of your group.


Hello everyone, I would like to bring an idea today into the community that may benefit those who own groups and are having trouble with possibly the name of the group.

On Roblox, every user has the ability to change there username, with the price of 1,000 Robux. I was wondering if we could possibly get the same setting for groups, but possibly make it more strict, as in we could have the group re-naming be worth about 10,000 Robux to prevent spam of trying to modify the group name multiple times. Another idea is we could give players a limit on how many re-name changes could happen, for example, a player could be given 3 chances to change there username if needed, but once used up all 3 chances, they might need to pay an extra fee to get another chance to modify the group name.

Note: Group name changing will be automatically set to owner only by default, to avoid other members of the group from trying to change the groups name. For a more secure way, it could possibly ask for a verify from the Owners email if have one to verify they allow this group change name to take place if someone else in the group has the funds to spend to change the name.

I decided to bring this idea up because lately we have all experienced with the Roblox filter, and that could be messing up group names as well, such as making it all tagged out and can’t be searched or seen by the public. This for example, could cause groups to be unsearchable if you are searching for a group, as shown below when searching for the group, “Hilton” on the search bar:

There is also the problem where we may accidentally click on the button to make the group, but then notice the name would be miss-spelled or not the way you want it to be.

Note: If a player was to miss-spell there group name by accident or adds a character to a word in the groups name by mistake, it may censor the groups name when a player tries to search, so this could be a way to fix that problem if happens.

Here is an example of where the button would be placed if this system was implemented:

Note: Only the owner would be able to see the button automatically by default, but they could modify the settings to allow other members who may have funds to change the group name to Re-Name the group, but if this happens, it will send a message to owner asking for verification to allow this name change to take place.

Here is an example of the box that will pop up once clicked on to re-name:

Note: The attempts will prevent players from max spamming the change group name button, but if they need another chance, they could be able to purchase another attempt but will slowly get higher if keep purchasing over and over if happens. The player would also be able to see original group name they made, and then type the new group name below and purchase the new name change for the group.

Final Remarks:
This system would be great because with it, it will prevent “spammed” roblox groups. This means if a player were to make a group and it got censor, they would have to spend another 100 robux to make and launch another group, which will make the player possibly frustrated or if they messed up on the name. This is a way that assures the player could be happy without over spending Robux just to make multiple groups.

Price Notes:
I put 10,000 robux as a example due to the fact that players would possibly spam the rename group button, but another idea for pricing is it will start 200 the first time you need to change the name, and for every time you want to change the name, the price will go up 100 robux as if you were buying a roblox group for a group that already exist.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this could actually be a real thing in future! :smiley:


I like the idea of a high fee like 10k. It’ll help weave out the people who are changing a name just to change it.

Personally, I find being able to change the name of a group something useful, and of-course just like anything it can be abused.

Maybe, instead of having it open to everyone, have restrictions like;

  • Only the original group creator can change the name
  • The users account must be at least 1 year old
  • The group must have atleast 100 members.
  • High fee for changing the name

That way people can’t just change their group names because they feel like it.


I really like this idea!


Disney’s idea does not prevent groups from abusing the feature, so unfortunately it could never be put into effect.


Sorry about the bump from such an old post, but I had a few ideas in this case.
Group name changing, in some cases, can be extremely useful.
In my case, I’m one of the Head Managers of the group “JKR Productions” (or as the group name entails, “JK Productions”). A lot of people come to think the name means “Just Kidding Productions” when it really is the first letter of the username of all 3 group owners (with the R bring added in when RobloxGuy6403, or now ChromeEight, being appointed owner). That R differs from the official group name, and the group logo. That’s the issue with the group I’m in, it’s not a typo that caused it (which could have been easily fixed by creating a new group), but it’s history being means for a branding change. It would be nice to change it.

A simple, but effective in some cases method would be that a group name change can only be done once, requires a price, and has to be moderated for being misleading from the original name or use of the group. This would mean that simple changes (like in my case) or typos can be fixed, but having someone completely swap a group’s purpose can be voided. Moderators won’t have a heavy job to do since a group’s name could only be changed once in it’s lifetime, and it costs ROBUX to do so. Of course the group name would be kept the same until verified, or would remain unchanged if it was rejected.

It’s small, but like in my case can really help out as a group name is the staple of the way the group is shared to others.


A price of 100K would be better, as a group is really valuable to someone.
Also imagine, if someone randomly gets’s into the owner’s account and renames a group.
And boom it get’s content deleted.


Price is not a suitable barrier because the largest avenue for abuse is large groups (which will likely have more Robux). Groups like NBC Shirt Creators would be able to change their name to spite smaller groups because they can easily afford it. It also doesn’t solve the problem of joining Epic Soldiers and having it turn into My Little Pony a year later because the group has a lot of money.


That’s why I put the example of name change abuse, in case someone breaches the owner.

It is not possible to definitively determine name change abuse. The British Assembly could change their group name to The British Conglomerate to spite a rival group with a similar name. There would be no way to tell if they did this intentionally or not. If we start trying to guess which name changes are appropriate, we have the same problem Twitter does where we’d see users mass reporting groups that changed their name by finding as many groups with similar names as possible.

What about “applying” for a name change and having to state a reason for the change? I mean, I get that verifying the authenticity of the name change wouldn’t be perfect but it’d e nice to still have some form of way to change group names. Anyways, if you provide a logical reason for why the name should be changed, I see no reason why it shouldn’t be. Making it a one-time thing will probably stop most “spite against group” because these names would be made permanent.


It would be nice since we can change our usernames.