Ability to change the order of player status on the "Home Page"


As a normal Roblox user/developer, it is currently hard to find out on when your friends are online, inside studio working on something secret or possibly in-game when you have over 100 or at least 200 friends on your account.

This is what the home page looks like at the moment:


Side note: I blocked the names for privacy reasons and concerns.

Anyway, I always wanted to see if any of my friends which most of them are developer are inside studio or online any time of the day to either chat with them something development-related or just off-topic discussions that I wanted to talk about such as “How’s your day?” or “Anything new you learned this week?” Having something set to default on purpose on the website from In-game to offline isn’t the best for me as I want to see if anyone is inside studio first then to online.

^ Most of you might disagree that it’s ok and fine it’s set to default at the moment, but some developers/users might want to see another order of player status.

Something like this: If you go to your account Settings, you can change the order however you want like the examples below:

  • Offline, Studio, Online, In-Game
  • Studio, Online, Offline, In-Game
  • In-game, Offline, Online, Studio
  • Online, Studio, In-game, In-Offline

…and the list goes on for maybe a couple 5 or 10, you get the point.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience on the website significantly because I can monitor or check on my friends if they’re busy doing something in-game or in-studio, or online so I can chat to them on discord or with the Roblox chat system on the website.