As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to change an UnionOperation’s color. In other words, there is this feature (property) named UsePartColor which by default is false and I use it a lot.
Now, I like to wrap multiple parts into an UnionOperation, like an animal’s head, leg, neck, torso, and many more body parts. I also do this:
Issue: As you can see the middle is white but, if I wish to change the red color in it, I have to separate the union, change the color, and union everything back together in the same order to get same results as well as the same faces (in cause one of the part is rotated).
Possible Solutions:
A built-in plugin that when you select an UnionOperation shows all the colors of the UnionOperation and then you decide to change any of colors (without separating anything). This could have certain limitations still, but would fit the best for my use-case and probably most developers.
A more complex plugin that allows the developer to select parts from an UnionOperation without actually separating it, where we could change the Color of the part, position, size, and then the engine will auto-adjust the UnionOperation according to the changes. (I know is easy to say, but eventually a hard task)
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I wouldn’t be breaking welds inside those UnionOperations, I wouldn’t be separating everything and make the best guesses to re-group everything back in the same order, I wouldn’t need to change CanQuery, CanTouch, CanCollide, Name, CollisionFidelity, and RenderFidelity again.
Thank you! (Just took some time to write this because is really annoying).
Video of what I mean: (You will see me editing the Unions with a quick trashy plugin I made)