Ability to determine whether a build is China or Global in DeployHistory

Reproduction Steps
On a Mac, send a GET request to https://setup.rbxcdn.com/mac/DeployHistory.txt and look for the latest Studio build. You will see 2 deployments labeled “Studio” with the same version number.

Download the first one (the build with the earlier date) using the URL https://setup.rbxcdn.com/mac/version-HASH-RobloxStudioApp.zip. Within it is the RobloxStudio.app. Extract and launch it and it will open as normal.

Download the second one (the build with the later date) and extract and launch it. Unlike the other build, a China version of Studio will launch, apparent by the bottom bar:

It appears that all second deployments are CJV ones.
Here’s an illustration where Blue is Global builds and Red is CJV builds:

It would be nice if, in the DeployHistory, there was some way to determine if a given build is CJV or not (maybe https://setup.rbxcdn.com/mac/version-HASH-isCJV?) so we could avoid these in custom bootstrappers.

Avoiding the second build ever published with a given version. (not entirely reliable)


That’s true. I’d argue that it might be fair as a bug report because it’s a regression from the behavior before April 2020, but it makes more sense as a feature request.


Hey guys, I just wanted to circle back here, is this still an issue?