Ability to disable terrain LOD in studio for screenshots

At the moment, it’s impossible for me to get high quality images of my project due to the size of the map. This is a direct result of terrain level of detail adversely affecting the visuals of my game.

There was a poll done in 2016 on the topic of LOD but so far I don’t see anything being done in regards to that. Ideally speaking, something like this is implemented, but for lack of any public notion on that I have decided to make this request for a studio-specific option for the purpose of getting screenshots, since I at least want to be able to present my game in full quality for things like thumbnails or a portfolio of my work.

I’ve taken an image of my game as an example. Pictured is a large volcanic mountain in the distance, as well as a floating island in the sky (ignore the three cubes, those are placeholders for use in development). As you can see, the quality is unsatisfactory.

If I were able to force LOD level 0 (Maximum quality), this issue would be resolved.

Click to see the image of my game

A post was merged into an existing topic: Button to disable terrain LOD in studio