Ability to edit sent inbox messages

As a Roblox talent hub user, it is very frustrating to send messages in regard to job posts without triggering the Roblox chat filter. I have just recently applied to a job post and a note I added triggered the Roblox chat filter. When interested recruiters notice hashtags in messages the candidate sends, they may consider rejecting the candidate for communicating unprofessionally, even if the user was actually professional at communicating as well as at applying their respected skill(s). As such, because I have sent hashtags, I have now most likely decreased my chance at being hired by the recruiter. There is a viral, separate feature request topic requesting for the filter’s abandonment. I understand that it has been rejected and why the filter exists. However, it’s important to note that unlike the main Roblox website that is a casual environment that mostly houses players, the Roblox talent hub is meant to be a professional environment where like-minded developers come together to connect with one another in order to work on new projects and effectively communicating with one another is key to forming a strong connection and increasing the likelihood of accepting an interested candidate to fill a vacant job position.

As a workaround, I feel that we should have the ability to edit messages we have sent. This way, we can edit our message in a way until that it no longer violates the Roblox chat filter. Another use case where this feature would be useful is if we have made grammar errors, spelling errors etc. that our eyes caught after sending messages and would like to correct them.

The workaround up until now was to communicate else ware as the talent hub was initially created as a matchmaking site rather than a collaboration site but most talent hub users aren’t really aware of this historic fun fact unless they have learned through self research. Furthermore, popular external communication websites where recruiters and candidates are expected to communicate on such as Discord and Guilded are websites that require you to be >13 years old in order to use their services while the talent hub can host users that are not age verified. And both Discord and Guilded do not have a chat filter in place to prevent users from viewing inappropriate messages. You have implemented a messaging system on the talent hub, and I believe it deserves to be improved so that it is utilized more instead of having its purpose disregarded which is to freely communicate with one another. So, just my brutally honest opinion, but you should really sunset the expectation of external communication, it’s been a few years, it really defeats the purpose of the private messaging system on the talent hub and in all honesty, I don’t really think a lot of developers would find it natural for Roblox to expect its users to not use a feature it has to offer in favor of using an equivalent feature offered by a different company. For us to feel the need to talk else ware just doesn’t feel natural, it makes me feel like there’s an unintended UX design issue for the feature. In other words, I feel like I should be able to use the feature as I please to but I’m unable to. I should be able to.

To not overwhelm both parties of the chat with lots of notifications, I would recommend notifications to not be sent when a chat message has been edited, however, it would be useful if there was a symbol indicating edited messages, such as a pencil icon.

If Roblox were to address this issue, not only would candidates such as myself not fall victim to the Roblox chat filter, but this change would significantly decrease the desire to communicate via private messaging on the Roblox Developer Forum or through an external website such as Discord and Guilded.


I feel your frustration and you make some good points in your proposition. I just wanted to briefly pinpoint an advantage of permanent messages to consider.

Permanent uneditable messages serve to some degree as a proof of a conversation taking place and even a verbal agreement, since written contracts are not so common. Screenshots as evidence hold much less weight because of how easy they are to alter. On the other hand, Roblox stores Talent Hub messages in the cloud out of either party’s reach.

Roblox also state that they waive any responsibility to resolve disputes. I suppose they could comply to a request to view past versions, but that would put even more burden on the their support.

However, it would be nice to listen to your idea and perhaps:

  • either allow the user to easily and immediately access the log of previous message versions (e.g. like Github and unlike the DevForum where as members we can only see edit times and the timestamp of the last edit) or

  • keep permanent messages as they are (I know Fiverr has them too); the sender can send another message, which works but that’s not as tidy.


I understand your argument.

While reading your message, I thought the same thing. The quoted bulletin above can be implemented to address your concern.

Perhaps, when a user clicks on such an icon, they can view the message edit history/log.

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