Ability to equip multiple layered clothes on the website without the requiring use of API/Extensions

Currently, the avatar editor does not support equipping multiple layered accessories normally. However, you can do it through API and various browser extensions do just that. With the release of many ‘holdable’ items on the catalog (that have their WrapLayer disabled as well), this becomes a problem. A user cannot easily apply the tool & a shirt if the categories overlap. I believe this limit should be raised.


You should focus your feature request on problems and use cases, not solutions. There could be another way to solve this problem, such as adding a separate category of item specifically for holdable items.

I’m asking them to remove an arbitrary limitation, that extensions already bypass. Adding more item categories is a completely different topic, which I’m sure already has existing Feature Requests.

See this for more info:

Is there a specific reason this is a problem aside from your holdable items use case? For example, adding this would result in more broken layered clothing as clothing items not meant to overlap would; which is the reason why item categories exist, so that UGC creators can fit their clothing to work well with other clothing types. Could you provide more reasons that the current layered clothing system stacking is inadequate for your holdable item use case?