How to post a Feature Request

Your feature request must be written to comply with these points:

  • Please start out by describing your motivation for requesting the feature with this sentence:

    As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to …

  • If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please complete this sentence as specifically as possible:

    If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because …

Feel free to include any other details afterwards or in between.

Always add use cases

Please do not just say that you need a feature as its only motivation. Clearly explain the development problem(s) you are facing and why you need the feature that you are requesting to solve it, so that engineering can fully understand your problem(s).

Do not start your topic for feature X with “As a developer, it is impossible to do X.”, as that is not the correct way to do it. This sentence should explain succinctly what your development issue is, not just that you don’t yet have the feature you are requesting, as the latter is obvious.

Focus on problems

Please focus on use cases and problems. Do not focus your request around a proposed solution (i.e. API suggestion, or a specific technical way to solve an issue). Our teams care about your use cases and the reasons behind those, rather than your proposed solution, as our product teams will work to find the best compromise between what is needed and what fits on the platform.

You can include your proposed solution as a minor note in your feature request, of course.

HapticService for Mobile devices
Let game scripts use Player Friend Status API
The mouse icon should revert to the default mouse icon when escape menu is active
"How to post a Feature Request" wrong
Union -> Mesh Conversion Feature?
About the Xbox Features category
About the Engine Features category
New Members - Post Approval Process 101
About the Website Features category
Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum
VC button should be on the top bar and not above the character
About the Mobile Features category
About the Studio Features category
Find the Estimated Time of Arrival When Teleporting?
[Italian Translation] Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum - Regole Ufficiali del Roblox Developer Forum
More Web Customization / Features for Games
How to override camera scripts
Allow us to see our active visit streak
About the Talent Hub Features category
Can You Slow Down a Video?
Add PromptImportFolder and a Directory class
Idea For A New Promotion System
Allow normal Members to post Roblox Studio features
About the Feature Requests category
Add API for getting assemblies
Built-In Color Picker
ClearAllChildrenOfClass / ClearAllDescendantsOfClass
Make plugin:SaveSelectedToRoblox() return an assetId
Add WNTS to Platform Feedback
Bug Reporting Updates
I want to block the use of UGC accessories in my experience
A Way to Easily Format Numbers
New property for models (Active) Check Box
Surfaceguis not clipping on circular faces
Make hiding Effects easier for first person
Custom shapes for UI
Allow us to tell if PerformanceStats is visible
New Promotion System Proposal
Add a property to disable setfenv/getfenv
More Info On ProductPurchaseDecision Behaviour?
Bring back find and replace opening scripts in the main tab on laptops
Property Submenu list closes after opening it, selecting workspace, then reselecting item from Explorer or Workspace
Unlock the #collaboration category
Upgrade StudsPerTileU/V and OffsetStudsU/V
Too hard to use user ads to gain popularity and activity
Pixelated Textures gets blurry
Auto insert comma for new values in a table
About the Documentation Features category
Improvement Request for Developer Analytics Dashboard
Development Discussion posts should be 100+ characters long
Network Streaming
Regular+ Categories Can be Written by a Member
Explorer icon customization colours and child bars
Re-render headshot avatars
The Engine Lacks the Ability to Add New Behavior to Instances
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Making UI based on physical screen size is currently impossible - PPI / Physical screen size?
Solution for swapping between lighting configurations easily
BadgeService.AwardBadge does not throw any warning/error for invalid BadgeId (or badges that cannot be awarded in specific contexts)
AnimationTrack.Loaded, AnimationTrack.IsLoaded
Request to increase AvatarEditorService global-limit for Kreekcraft partnered experiences
Allow us to stage a development folder with lua files as Local plugins
Ability to equip multiple layered clothes on the website without the requiring use of API/Extensions
Hierarchical Control of Instance Visiblity Without Re-Parenting
UserEmotesEnabled does not disable default chatted emotes
Add super-class for Folder/Configuration objects
HipHeight - lacks documentation or lacks features
New threads in development discussion should be reviewed before being public
Selecting a Part in workspace doesn't allow Renaming with F2
LoadCharacter(HumanoidRigType rigToLoad) - ability to specify rig type
API to create and modify meshes during runtime
Bugs in Platform feedback
Include Icon changes in "Activity History"
Expose an endpoint for Roblox servers
Delete all posts option for groups
Studio settings should save to cloud for account
Vector3 Vector3:RotateAroundAxis(Vector3 axis, number r)
C API Quaternion Math library
Implement PA System In Discussion
Environment Specific Folders
Allow developers to use the Plugin Item and Invoke API
Problem with the new Group Summary tab
It's too difficult/tedious to test TeleportService with emulated players (impossible past 2)
About the Education Features category
Camera Collision Filtering for Specific Parts
Feature Request Category Should be Easier to Access / Press Enter to Save Animation to your Inventory
Create a community-driven post approval system to moderate topics
Teams with same color show as the same team on player list
Add Post Approval Exclusively for Similar Developer Discussion Post Titles
Create a community-driven post approval system to moderate topics
Bring back Monthly membership and daily robux
Make DevForum acceptance manual
Announcement needs a rework - FAQ suggestion
Ability to Smoothen Camera Movement for the default Camera