Ability to filter or see certain group wall posts

As a Roblox developer, group owner, and user, it is currently hard to find your group wall posts when there are many people posting on the wall everyday.

Here are some filters i made:

  • Posts by you
  • Posts by certain user
  • Posts by certain role
  • Posts made on a certain day

Here is an example of where the filterer would go and what filters there would be:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my Roblox experience because I could find a group wall post that I do not like and delete it, or if there is a contributor section for my group, I could look at their posts and see what to add to my game(s).

So basically, it would be really nice if there was a group wall filtering system.


This would be nice for players who go on the group wall looking for quality posts. Especially posts by developers of the games the player is looking to look at group wall posts about from the source.