Ability to hide Deprecation / --!nocheck warnings in Script Analysis

We use the Script Analysis tool to check for errors/warnings in a massive project. We need the ability to get rid of the noise in this tool. There are certain deprecated features which we just simply will not be fixing or there is no counterpart to. There are also certain modules which have --!nocheck on them, are Disabled and left in ServerStorage under an archive folder which will never be fixed intentionally. I want the ability to filter out certain things here not only to save performance of the type checking system but also to help me find the REAL problems in my project.


This is already a feature; you’re looking for the nolint comment directive. You can supply a lint after the directive to disable a specific lint (e.g. --!nolint DeprecatedGlobal) or only provide the directive to disable all lints. The nocheck directive is for typechecking.

The typechecker and linter are separately active so you’ll have to provide both directives.


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