As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to organize your places, shirts, pants, meshes, games, et cetera. In the past, many have suggested the ability to delete them; however, the problem with this is that hackers who get into developers’ accounts could delete these things for the purpose of trolling (which is sad because this would probably happen if we did add this), so instead of this, maybe we should have the option to hide things instead of delete them.
Let’s say you have a really old game from when you were ten, and you don’t want to work with it, because, well, it’s riddled with free models. Or maybe it’s not but just has awful building, spaghetti code (as @Mightty says), a bunch of awful animations you are too lazy to work with, or maybe you just want to move on to another project. You create another’s place, accidentally knock over your cup of tea, and watch as the cup scrolls down the page for you. And at that moment do you realize—
“WHY DO I HAVE FIVE BILLION RANDOM LOW-QUALITY PROJECTS?!”—you every time you visit the place page
Mhm. But imagine if you could just shrug it off because—fear not—under the name is a beautiful button that you can press to ever so gracefully hide it and put it in the “Hidden Places” tab. Wiping the sweat from your head, you now have two places displayed for you. And you can rest assured that you can always go right back to your old place by clicking on that filter thingymajigger. It displays three options, and you squeal with joy, thinking of my beautiful face and exclaim, “THANK YOU, DERPY! THANK YOU!” because you see that you can choose to view hidden things, non-hidden things only, and all things!
This would be really helpful. All too often is our place page cluttered with old, embarrassing projects. We should be able to hide them so we don’t have our eyes burnt out of their sockets. Thank you for reading! ^ω^