As we grow our investment portfolio we find ourself running towards the inevitable issue that eventually we will run out of group space which will make it impractical to continue to grow our investments.
This is because, growing past 100 groups earning income at the moment would result in you needing multiple tipilati accounts to dev ex income from across the groups. Based off how tipilati is set up this would result in you having to make multiple corporate entities which then come with their own reporting requirements.
All in all, if you wish to grow past 100 income generating groups on Roblox it’s a complete mess.
I believe this could be solved in two ways:
(“The simple way”): Either increase the group limit for everyone to say 1,000 OR allow accounts to request / purchase a limit increase if they meet certain criteria. e.g. using the groups to receive revenue (and not just for getting in game perks).
(“The cool way”): Extend group payout functionality to allow groups to both do one time payouts & recurring payouts to other groups in addition to users. This would allow you for example to own 1,000 groups across 10 roblox accounts- all distribution 100% of revenue to one central group- which could then distribute the revenue to accounts that will be dev ex’ing the robux. This is also would solve the long standing issue of transferring Robux between groups.
This system is also more similar to real life company ownership where one company can be owned by multiple other companies / people. So in essence this change would allow a roblox group to be owned and distribute revenue to other roblox groups.
I believe one of these changes should be implemented to support growing organisations on the platform as it seems wrong for any developer / coproration’s growth to be limited on a platform as a result of a trivial limit of a arbitrary number.