Ability to prompt in-game user to join group


This would be very nice. It’d be so helpful and allow for groups to partner with games and even for games to drive traffic to their group easier.


Love this idea! Would be ideal for roleplay game!

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This is essential for group based games, along with this, prompt to follow a user and a check function if someone follows a user should also be considered!


This would be an amazing feature.

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bump this would be a really great feature


This would be an amazing feature, especially if it’s some kind of function that can be connected to anything (ProximityPrompt, Touched events, etc) just like a gamepass purchase.

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why this hasn’t been released? this would have been great for group locked features in games

they should have a new GroupService method available to call


local GroupService = game:GetService(“GroupService”)

GroupService:PromptGroupJoin(player: Player, GroupId: number)


would be a very useful feature


This feature should be added! Legit would change groups so much!


10 years and still aint here? i needed it RİGHT NOW, but im bumping it for future me or other devs that could need this.


Groups need this now that they can’t directly advertise, atleast let us take advantage of the players joining from game sponsors


Even 4 years after this post, this is highly topical. I run a group that’s hard to distinguish from the game that it owns (and vice versa). It’d be very useful to me, as a group owner and game developer, to have this be functional.

Many of the recent Roblox generation are not able or willing to follow group join instructions in my experience, but this takes a lot of the “fuss” out of it (leaving the game, going to the group page, finding and touching the button), making it super accessible to modern Roblox players. Being able to have it be connected up to a literal button model I’ve placed in the game or similar would make it one touch, and enable this to be a readily available socialization feature for players, as well as a component of the game I’ve built around a group.

I hope we see this. I really do.


They said they were looking at implementing this a decade ago, and it’s still not here. It’s long overdue.


It’s a little surprising after all these years that a feature to actually prompt users to join your group in-game hasn’t been implemented. I would love for this feature to be added, it’ll remove a lot of friction in getting users into your groups.

Especially important for roleplay games in which you require group membership to access half of the game (example. McDonald’s Roleplay Groups)


I don’t think this is a good idea, i don’t want some simulator game or some other games prompting me to join their group, just like with that favorite prompt thing which is annoying and also rp games are dead and have been dead for a long time now.

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Your reasoning points to the fact you should dislike the game doing these practices rather than disregard the feature completely. You cannot deny that the feature would be useful if used correctly.

Is there any concern that you think this feature would bring?


That’s too bad, don’t play if you don’t like it. You could say the same about a game’s gameplay. It all depends on how the developer uses the feature. If they spam you, don’t play the game :slight_smile:

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4 years.
Let’s hope we can get it within the next 4 years.

This would be very handy for group joining rewards. Instead of the player having to close the game, they can join the group directly from within the game. This prevents the gameplay loop being disrupted.

Then don’t play those kinds of games. Simple fix. For those of us who run and manage those games, it solves an ongoing practical problem we have with a key piece of functionality for the game.

I hope we can get this a lot sooner than four years from now. This would help significantly increase the accessibility of groups and their games to the new generation of players.