Ability to prompt in-game user to join group

Roblox also promised this in 2014. People have been waiting, now for over a decade, and requesting it constantly since. I registered my account after they promised this. My account is a decade old. They have had plenty of time to add this, the community clearly supports it, and yet they sit on their hands.

Instead they add random obfuscations to useful systems like game sales logs, permissions, roles, and other features that frankly haven’t proven particularly beneficial to anyone I’ve met, including myself. This would have been useful forever ago for me. The ability to manage ranks through this would have been great too, but this would be a nice start.

It would make community / group features accessible for newer players, and more easily accessible for the international community my game has drawn seemingly at random, since it’s still very much a website-focused system.

So where is it? Give this feature some much-needed love, Roblox. I beg of you.

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bumping this because this feature is a must have

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A long-awaited feature, we’ve been waiting a decade roblox!

Bump, never give up people! Raise this enough and maybe they’ll add it the next decade

I agree, prompting users to a group would be very useful. I don’t see how this would be hard to implement, and I’m sure most big games on the platform would use it especially for group rewards.

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Bumping, this feature must be added


The developers yearn for group join prompts.


Bump, we need this feature yesterday :point_up:

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We definitely need this added.

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if I see one more user say the word “bump” in this topic ever again, I will scream.

Jokes aside, this still needs to be added.

Ironically, in the same time we have waited for this feature, I have graduated with a first class in a masters degree, scored a job, and finally learnt how to do all of this using a web server.

Sometimes the easiest solution to the problem is to overengineer the problem - have a feeling I am going to have a child before this becomes inbuilt.


I will send a big bold one for you good sir,

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Love this idea, would be extremely useful.