Ability to put group games on profile

If you have a game which was put under a group, it should be on the group owner’s profile page so that any user can find the game much easier, instead of navigating to the group and fittling with the unfamiliar layout. Your profile is supposed to be a portfolio of all your work, what your doing/planning, and anything else specifically catered to you - so why should games you spent months developing not be on your profile? This would also make it easier to get to whilst on Studio, as you wouldn’t have to navigate to group games and wait extra time to edit the game.


Before, our profile was used to be a storage for all the creative games we’ve made over time; it included a list of names of games where players could simply click to play. The best part of it was: it was simple. ROBLOX of course changed over time, and so did it’s website, however, I feel the change was not as great as it could be. Currently, the user’s profile displays things that most people wouldn’t bother to see, and/or the creator itself does not want it to be in their profile. Locating a game is also not as vibrant as it was before, you have to click another tab, then more clicks to lay out all the games that specific user made. As @Shedletsky mentioned before, it’d be awesome to have just a game displayed in your profile along with your character and other necessities like messaging, following, and FR’ing; or at least having the option to determine what goes on in your profile which we currently have bare control over.

But to get straight to the point (probably already straight forward from the title), it’d be awesome to present your group creations in your profile. Things you’ve spent hours to develop with team mates and friends, in which all of the developers can help present on their own individual page to friends and family.


A post like this was made 4 hours ago. Make sure you double check before posting :slight_smile:

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Oh shoot, my bad! It was just something that was in mind for some time haha.

Merged @supahhclayron and @BuildIntoGames’ threads. Same idea just a few hours apart.

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Amazing how this still isn’t added. I get multiple comments weekly from people asking me what game I made, cause they can’t see it on my profile. The ability to put group games on your profile will seriously help me out! :smiley:


It was, but then it was removed for some reason. My profile has a group game on it.

Any news on this?

I know there are a lot of people who want it and it would definitely be a great feature!

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Groups aren’t receiving updates until next year, as they’re being redesigned completely.

@Brad_Sharp How did you do it?

He added it before ROBLOX disabled the feature.

Ahh. I wish they would enable it!

Well I’m guessing once groups are upgraded it will be re-enabled.

Is this ever going to happen?


Please Roblox!! I’d love to see place visits on your profile too from group games!


I know this is super old but, can we please have the admins consider adding this feature? It would be super helpful for the creator & the players.

This is possible to do currently when using an API endpoint directly.


Using the POST method under Collections, keep the asset type as 0, use the root place id and it’ll show up on your profile (only if you’re the group owner!)

Unsure if this is an oversight or is planned as a feature, but it works for now so make use of it!