Ability to scroll on ScrollingFrames in studio

As a roblox developer, it is currently too tedious to work with ScrollingFrames when working on gui’s

Currently, the only way to scroll through a ScrollingFrame in studio is to manually edit its CanvasPosition property. This means practically every time you need to change an aspect of something in the ScrollingFrame that is out of view, you have to manually edit the canvas position property of the frame which can be very time-consuming. Not only that, but there’s no clear way to tell if the number you put in will bring you to where you want on the scrolling frame, leading you to input numbers over and over sometimes until you find the right number.

If Roblox is able to address my issue, it would make the process of working on ScrollingFrames much quicker

Being able to grab the scroll bar on a scrolling frame and scroll in studio would make scrolling a lot quicker and easier, resulting in less time going towards changing the canvas position property and more time actually working on your gui. Using the scroll bar would make the process quicker and easier because all you would need to do is drag what’s already on your screen, and see visually where you want it to be, unlike with editing the canvas position property.

A reason not to allow scrolling would be because it gets in the way of building. However, my idea is that dragging the scroll bar on scrolling frames should only be possible while holding down the alt key on your keyboard. That way, you can have the functionality of scrolling while not having your building interrupted by scrolling frames on your screen. Alternatively, you can disable ShowDevelopmentGui to get all the gui’s off your screen. So I can’t imagine this feature being intrusive on your building.

  • I like the idea and want it released
  • I like the idea, but not the method of holding the alt key to do it
  • I don’t like the idea; I find it intrusive on my building

0 voters


And for those who don’t like the alt key method, perhaps a custom keybind setting should do the trick :wink:

But I agree, one of the things I hate about doing gui work is the constant need to edit the canvas position to see where things are located within the scrollingframe. Especially when the scrollingframe contains lots of things for something like a custom inventory or in-game store.


This is long overdue.


There’s probably some good reason that this feature is not generally offered (AndroidStudio and some other professional quality UI design tools I have used also require you to manually throw in offsets to “scroll” a scrolling view in development), but until I know what that reason is I’m going to go ahead say that this should definitely be a feature.

It shouldn’t be behind a shortcut either, that will just make it so that people never find out that it’s an option. Like you point out, usually you’re either developing GUIs or building in the world view, so you can always just disable the developmental GUI if you don’t want the scrolling intercepted.