Ability to Search for Users/Groups in the Main Search Bar

Give us the ability to search for users/groups directly in the main search bar itself.

The main search bar on the home page only searches for games.

At the moment, if one wishes to search for a player they must navigate themselves to a profile and use the search bar located there.

If one wishes to search for a group, they must navigate themselves to a group and use the search bar located there.

This really hinders the UX of the mobile app. Having to navigate to someone’s profiles to search for users and in the case of groups, having to indirectly navigate via Game > Group or Player > Group is tedious and I feel as if the method used on the current website or a new solution should be implemented. I want to use the main search bar on the home page, the first page I see when I open the app, to search for Games, Players, and Groups.