As a feature request, the ability to see the PlayerGui Topbar within Roblox studio would greatly benefit developers because they would be able to view the 36 Topbar Y-axis pixels which is only seen during a running session / game. As a Roblox developer, it is hard to design and visualize GUI components that are within the PlayerGui topbar area. Right now, the viewport in Roblox studio does not represent the actual screen viewport, because it does not include the PlayerGui Topbar dimensions.
Not being able to see the PlayerGui Topbar in studio editing makes it hard to design GUIs that go within that space. If the issue is addressed, it would make it easier for developers to visualize and design GUIs, and visualize the actual viewport.
Replying to EchoReaper’s post below:
(I made the key points bold for a quick read)
“If your UI is affected by a 36p offset, you’re probably not designing your UI right” ~EchoReaper
As a real world example, I am developing a game right now, and I have a compass GUI at the very top of the screen. Being an experienced UI designer, I designed the GUI to be adaptable for different aspect ratios, and it also shifted up 36 pixels to account for the topbar (meaning that my GUIs are designed correctly, it’s just that there was an unnecessary obstacle which can reoccur for other GUIs as well).
To develop this particular GUI, I had to design it at a lower UDim2 Y-value position so that the GUI wouldn’t clip out of the viewport in studio - and then once it was designed, I shifted it up 36 pixels. I consider this an issue that shouldn’t be an issue (because it doesn’t make sense that the Topbar dimensions are not visible in the Roblox Studio viewport during editing). There is no doubt that it would greatly benefit the majority of Roblox developers considering that developers have to account for the 36 pixels which isn’t even in the Roblox Studio-Edit viewport.
“If your UI properly adapts to these, then it will handle the 36p offset of the topbar fine as well.” ~EchoReaper
For you and I, correctly positioning, and resizing GUIs is easy (despite not being able to see the topbar), but a large quantity of developers do not account for the 36 pixel difference within an actual game session. For example, I’ve seen lots of developers design a GUI background frame using the following: Frame Size = {1, 0, 1, 0}, Position = {0, 0, 0, 0}… This does not account for the 36 topbar pixels, meaning that their GUI frame will not cover the entire screen as seen within the current Roblox Studio editing viewport. This common mistake can be easily prevented by displaying the topbar within studio edit mode.
I don’t see any reasons to why we should not include the player GUI topbar within the Roblox Studio editing viewport.
Replying to Captain_Goobles’ post below:
This is a “possible” solution, but then GUIs centered at {0.5, 0, 0.5, 0} will then be slightly offset, as well as other GUIs that adapt to screen / viewport size. This would be creating more problems than fixing problems. Thank you for your idea though.
Simply having the Roblox Studio “edit-mode” viewport 36 pixels taller (making the topbar area visible) would make it easier to design a few GUIs in that space, without having to worry about the other GUIs being affected by the 36 pixel offset using “IgnoreGuiInset”.