Ability to see what has been editted

As a devforum member it is extremely hard to tell what a person has edited on the Devforum, and sometimes you’ll see people that say “Edit” or something like that. I know we use to have this feature, but it ended up getting removed.


This is a default Discourse feature and I don’t like it, I’d prefer for it to stay private.

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For various reasons we have decided to keep this disabled, mainly for privacy reasons and hiding accidental bad content that had to be edited out.


Would it be possible to make it a togglable option, for like when you wanna let others see your edit history rather it having disabled for everybody?

Everything is possible engineering-wise with infinite time and resources.

Whether it’s worth pursuing depends on how much effort it is and whether it makes sense product-wise.

In this case, like I mentioned before, in some cases we want to edit out bad content and not have that revision viewable publicly, and not be dependent on user preferences. Also it would be a non-trivial effort to make this a per-user setting since we don’t own the Discourse code base.