Ability to toggle selection boxes

Add an option in Studio that allows you to toggle the selection box around parts. I find myself often using plugins to build, selecting the part, activating the plugin’s tool, then deselecting the part so I can see where the actual corners and edges are.

Perhaps just allow us to change the transparency of selection boxes in Settings so we can put it to any number between 0 and 1?

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Disclaimer: This just jumped to my mind after I was reflecting on my building process


I wish I could do this whenever I’m editing a selected part’s color/material

Yes, I have to do this all the time when working in tight spaces or building detailed models because the selection boxes cover up what I need to see.

Possible solution: Instead of having a selection box, allow us to toggle to have the part change color a bit (like a blue overlay) so that we know which part is selected but it doesn’t interfere with viewing the corners easily.

EDIT: Seeing Tomarty’s post I would also add that an ability to have no selection box/indicator on the parts would be awesome.

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I’ve always wanted selection boxes to go away when I’m holding the slow camera (default Shift) hotkey since when I want to see part connections I’m working with them up close, and when I’m working with them up close I slow down the camera so I don’t go flying away.


This would be a really helpful feature. Perhaps just allow us to change the transparency of selection boxes in Settings so we can put it to any number between 0 and 1?

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If possible, please make this scriptable so we can have our plugins interact with it.

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support : building with sizes smaller than 0.5 ; especially detailed models , is a pain with selection boxes that cover the details >-<