Able to get users public IPv4 address through the Dev Forum about me



  • I found that you can log a users IPv4 Address through a users Roblox Dev Forum about me section. You don’t have to click anything on the users profile, once you’re already on it, it has already been logged.

  • The user will not see anything, and everything will look normal as usual to the user.

Extra Mentions

  • You can also get the users user agent for certain purposes.

  • Also you can show log in boxes using Basic HTTP Authentication for 3rd party domains.

To confirm, this is only on your own profile, correct?

Edit: Do you want to delete your video so users cannot see your IP address?

Correct, this is only on my profile as of now, but will log any user who goes to my profile, not just myself

Edit: This is a VPN ip for demonstration purposes, so the video is fine to stay up

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Got it!

This is a known functionality of Discourse since its your own profile, but we appreciate the due dilligence.