Able to see the inside of blender import

Hey, I am new to 3D Modelling and I have just finished modelling a fence in blender and it is 9,400 triangles:

After importing this into studio I found that the individual poles in the fence looked weird. Upon closer inspection it looks like studio has tried to optimise the fence by making them an image and rotating the image with the camera. Only problem is the image is facing away from the camera meaning you can see the insides of each pole as shown below:

My questions are:

  1. Is 9, 400 triangles too many for a fence?
  2. How can I fix being able to see the inside of the fence?

Thank you for your time!

9400 tris for a single fence is alot, also your problem is not roblox i think, in blender your faces got flipped, or maybe just enabling double sided in the properties of the mesh part can fix it

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Yep this fixed it! Thank you so much. I’ll probably end up re doing it to try and keep the triangle count down. Appreciate it.

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