Abnormal player loss over a short period of time

Game randomly losing almost 50% players within a few minutes, no updates released or anything but after some time players come back.
On the first picture you can player count dropping from 38 down to 7.

I’d like to see if its only happening to my game, so please share concurrent player analytics.

If it is during sunday evening then it can be expected.
Especially since it seems to affect more phone and tablet users on your graphs, which can be more related to certain demographics

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On the first picture its Monday evening, not much people went to sleep at that time. But on the second, I saw drops on Sunday evenings, but not this big. By the way, these aren’t the only drops, there are drops like this probably multiple times a day.

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I don’t think it’s anything to be worried about. I have a similarly sized game and the same thing happens. Users will usually peak at around 5 pm and then slowly drop off before increasing again.

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