About Wrvel - History

About Wrvel ( “USERNAMES” )

I used to play as a normal guest in December 2014. So, in 2015 I made an account which soon became my main. I left Roblox for a while and came back in January 2016. Forgot my password of my 2015 account. So I left Roblox for a month then came back at February 2016. Me and my friends were trolling ppl. I’ve been trolling throughout the entire 2017. Then some time passed and I realized I want this to become my main and I wanted to start developing since trolling got boring over time . So I changed my name into Simisize. But the problem is not a lot of people know how to pronounce it. So that’s when I came up with this simple username. “Wrvel” ( I actually did not come up with this name… )

CuteKitty9773 was a randomly generated name on the internet. It was the first username of my current account. The purpose is a troll account.
SimbaTheCatOfficial was a troll name I used to yet again troll people with my friends.
Simisize was the first username I made and decided to make my current account my main.
Wrvel is my current username. I like my current username I have no plans on changing it in the future.

This is my briefly explained Roblox history about username changes and Roblox activity.
This doesn’t contain any personal information only Roblox username history.
Since a lot of people thought I had weird usernames.
Well there you go this is my “wacky” history of usernames.

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