Absolutely Nobody understands the compliance question "Unplayable gambling content"

When filling out the ‘Maturity and Compliance’ form for an experience you’re met with this question:

Does this experience contain any unplayable gambling content?
Unplayable gambling content: Depiction of games of chance/luck with no gambling mechanics (i.e., one cannot bet on or play the games themselves).
Do NOT measure: Depictions of, and/or references to, items or activities that are typically associated with gambling (e.g. horse racing, car racing, poker chips), but are not games of chance/luck.

The question is a negative: unplayable. Ok so maybe I have actual playable gambling content? Should I answer no then?
Luckily my game is not a casino game so I move on to the next line.

Unplayable gambling content: Depiction of games of chance/luck with no gambling mechanics

So maybe I have a skincrate in game. It has chance and luck. But is it a gambling mechanic? Who knows? Apparently there are games of chance and luck that are not considered gambling mechanics according to this question.
After scouring the internet I come to the conclusion that this question is asking “if I am showcasing gambling assets like roulette boards that are not interactable?”. One of my maps contain a roulette table that’s part of the scenery but can not be played, so I do HAVE unplayable gambling content it seems.
Then I continue reading next line that says:

Do NOT measure: Depictions of, and/or references to, items or activities that are typically associated with gambling (e.g. horse racing, car racing, poker chips), but are not games of chance/luck.

So I’m NOT suppose to count my un-interactable pokertable as a unplayable gambling content??

This question makes zero sense and needs to be rewritten from the ground up.


Agreed. To try to comply with this politic I have completely removed anything that relates to gambling, except for crate with random furniture, obtained just from playing.

This question must be clarified much more. Thanks to you for this issue reported!