AbsolutePosition not taking AnchorPoint into consideration?

I have a frame with an AnchorPoint of 0.5, 0.5, and it’s Positioned at 0.5 on the X axis. However, AbsolutePosition for the X shows ‘576’ for a screen of 1920. Now, half of 1920 ain’t 576. So why is this the case?

The hub states

The GuiObject.AnchorPoint also influences the AbsolutePosition. This property, GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize and GuiBase2d.AbsoluteRotation are a group of properties that all describe the final rendered orientation of a UI element.

For example, on a 1920 by 1080 screen, a Frame with position {0.5, 0}, {0.5, 0} would have an AbsolutePosition of (960, 540). If you were to place another Frame with position {0, 50}, {0, 50} inside that one, its AbsolutePosition would be (1010, 590). This example assumes each Frame has the defualt GuiObject.AnchorPoint of (0, 0), the top left corner.


So either that’s wrong, or this is a bug?

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Is the size of your viewport there actually 1920 x 1080? If not, that could cause this.

I know that my studio viewport is 1234 x 703. That could definitely affect why it isn’t 960.

I’m using an emulated screen size, so absolute position should match that (as it changes AbsoluteSize on other devices as wel)

When you select the ScreenGui it’s in, what does it say for the Absolute size?