I’m trying to do some math to position elements and taking into account instances AbsolutePosition/Size to do so. However, these properties somehow get decimals. Unsure how you can have 0.325 of a pixel? I would have thought that sizing something based on the rounded number, however that isn’t the case either.
This element says its 182.325
However, when I hop in paint.net, and count the pixels
I’m told it’s 183…

so does it just math.ceil the AbsoluteSize? How am I supposed to accurately size UI based on something else’s AbsoluteSize? Especially when if math.ceil can’t be used on all cases, as 184.041 is 184 pixels… what’s the cut off to round up or down on this?

Worth noting all documentation claims these to 2 properties are based on pixels GuiBase2d | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
and you can’t get a % of a pixel. Worth noting ALL these screenshots are when using screen emulator at 1920x1080 and set to Actual Resolution
This in turn makes it impossible to position/size other UI elements in a way that relies on AbsoluteSize/Position (such as my use case above)
Expected behavior
AbsoluteSize/Position should return EXACT integers. There is no such thing as a decimal of a pixel, so these numbers should always be whole numbers, and represent their actual pixel size accurately.