A.C Airways | Training Guide

A.C Airways | Training Guides

A.C Airways | Introduction

Throughout this guide, we will go over the basics of trainings. This guide is created for the Executives of A.C Airways but anyone is free to learn more about the training process. All questions should be directed to the Staffing Department.

Last Update: 26/01/25


Group Shouts

Group Shouts

The host for the session will post a group shout to inform the public of the commencement of the session. There will be examples of group shouts below for you to use; however, you may change the words to your liking. Shouts must be announced 10 minutes prior to the session.

Beginning Shouts:

  • [TRAINING] There will be a training session starting in 10 minutes at the Training Center for all Trainees interested in getting a job! Come on down for the opportunity to become staff!
  • [TRAINING] A training session will be commencing in 10 minutes for all Trainees. We encourage those who would like to become a staff to come down to the Training Center for a chance to become a Counter Barista.
  • [TRAINING] The server will soon be starting! Head on down for a chance to become a Junior Hibachi Chef. Not planning on attending this session? Why not head down to the airport for a refreshing lemonade?

Commencement Shouts:

  • [TRAINING] The training center has now been locked and the session has begun. If you couldn’t make it, don’t fret as there are many other sessions to be held in the future.
  • [TRAINING] The session has now been slocked. Do not fret if you weren’t able to attend, as there will be other sessions in the future. While you wait, why not head down to the airport for some tasty [item]? Sounds good to me!
  • [TRAINING] The training has been locked. If you were not able to attend, there will be more sessions soon. For now, head down to the airport for some [item]!

Concluding Shouts:

  • [* [TRAINING] Trainings have now concluded. Congratulations to those who passed. Find the time for the next session in the Training Center’s description. Why not head down to the airport for flight?
Host Guide

[STAFF NOTE] Hosts can put Trainees into groups by using the :team command. Once everyone is put into their groups accordingly, you are free to begin. After the session starts, the host should start going over all rules for the host to announce to all Trainees (script is below). You can do this by using the command :m [message]. Do not change up the rules, they must stay exactly the same. You must open the command bar by pressing the ‘ key on your keyboard. When using the command bar, you don’t need to include a prefix. If you are on Mobile, an exception will be made.

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the [TIME] training session for today. I’m your host, [USERNAME], and we are joined by your lovely trainers.

Before we begin, please welcome the trainers that took time out of their day to attend this session!

[STAFF NOTE] Have trainers come onto the stage.

Without further ado, I’ll be informing everyone of our rules and expectations for today’s training session.

You are all expected to utilize pretty good grammar within our facilities at all times. If your sentences are not readable, a consequence will be given.

Professionalism must be utilized by everyone throughout the training center and airport.

Refrain from starting arguments with your trainer if you fail a training session.

If you need to go AFK any time during a session, please inform your trainer. Not doing so will result in a removal from the current training session.

You must get ll/lll stages correct in order to pass this session.

Not using readable grammar or acting unprofessional during any sections will cause you to fail.

That’s all the rules for today! Before we begin, I will be going over the training procedure.

There will be a total of 3 stages. Greetings, Order, and Quiz!

Without further ado, trainers may now report to their group accordingly!

Trainer Guide

The management team of A.C Airways will use this guide, if their role is trainer in a Training Session.

Hello there! Welcome to this A.C Airways Training! My name is (name), and I will be training you during this session today!

We will be going over III stages, which are basic knowledge, plane simulation, and trivia.

Please remember to save up all questions until the end; we must be able to get through everything!

NOTE: Going AFK is highly discouraged. As it contains all the kinds of information you need to know at A.C Airways.

If you will need to go AFK, you will have a II minute time limit before you are dismissed from the server. Please make sure to notify me before going AFK.

If I am going too fast for you, inform me quickly! I want to make sure you all succeed in today’s wonderful training.

We will now occur with the first stage, which is Basic Knowledge. Is everybody willing to start? Silence will be taken as a no.

  • If they have any questions, answer them. Don’t take too long.

Great! Let’s start. As a member of A.C Airways, you will be facing a lot of disruptions during your time at the main game as a normal staff.

But to defeat them, here are the notes that you are REQUIRED to apply when someone is trolling at your register.

If you do not know what a troller is, they are people who are purposely wasting your time, and they are not letting you succeed with your shift.

If someone is disrupting you at your register, please note that they have to be given a warning before getting kicked. Here is an example of a warning template:

Warning - cvxbeiod - Trolling

If they are continuing, EVEN if they have a warning. You are to call a Middle Rank+ to remove them from the server.

If there aren’t any management members, you can request one from our Roblox Group Wall (Slow Reply) or our communications server (Fast Reply).

Now that we have learned how to handle a disruptive customer, let’s now prepare when a normal customer walks up to your register.

When a customer walks up to your register, you are to reply to them with your greeting. You can copy and paste in case you forget it.

Here is a normal template of a basic greeting:

“Greetings! Welcome to A.C Airways, how may i help you?”

Please note that sending a greeting is the most essential aspect of our cafe when a customer walks up to your counter. If you do want to get promoted to MR, you may use a greeting.

Perfect! We have now learned how to handle a normal customer. We will now go to our exploiting part.

Exploiting consists of all kinds of things that a normal guest/LR cannot do. Example: They are flying, using F3X, spinning, or hacking the game.

An exploit is not to be given a warning. You must screenshot or record if someone is doing that.

Please note that, when you join Kiasto with a fresh new alternative account, the account age MUST be 31 days or more to be able to get in.

This is so, the chances of trolling or exploiting are reduced peacefully.

We have officially now completed our basic knowledge stage; now let’s start the ordering simulation.

When a normal customer walks up and when you have sent your greeting. They will ask on how to board on the plane.

If you cannot board them, ask an available staff/fellow or review our plane guide, which is listed in our communications server.

Perfect! Now that we have mastered the booking simulation, let’s commence with the next stage, disruption!

During this stage, either I or my assistant will check how you handle a disruptor. Each disruption will be different for each staff participating.

Please signal by jumping once your greeting is ready.

In the trivia stage, I will be quizzing you to see if you paid attention. During this stage I will be sending you a PM (personal message).

It is not necessary to shout out the answers, as the message is personal and intended for you to answer privately. Please refrain from doing so.

A response would be greatly appreciated. However, if you accidentally exit the private message, this will be your last chance to reply. If you click out again, I won’t be able to resend it.

Personal Message them the following questions:

:pm <user_or_group> [ Q1 ]: How to board a customer on plane? [ Q2 ]: How many warnings does a troller receive?

:pm <user_or_group> [ Q3 ]: How many warnings does an exploiter receive? [ Q4 ]: Give me an example of a proper greeting.

Great! Now that we have completed our trivia. Please give me a moment to fetch your results. Please be patient during this process.

If Passed: We are delighted to announce that you have PASSED this training session! Please wait for the ranker to come: They will rank you. Do NOT leave the server.

If Failed: Unfortunately, you have failed this training session. Please do not fret, as there will be more in the future!

kick Unfortunately, you have failed during this training session. Try your best again and pass the next one.

The ranker will promote their promotees and teleport them to the respective airplane game.

Command: :maingame <user_or_group>

:date: Last updated January 29 2024
:scroll: Written by A.C General Management

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