"Accept" button behavior isn't obvious

This button doesn’t make any sense if I don’t already know that I have a friend request from this guy. What am I accepting?


Accepting people does not itself mean agreeing with them, approving of them, waiving your own rights, or downplaying their impact upon you. You can still take appropriate actions to protect or support yourself or others. Or you can simply let people be. Either way, you accept the reality of the other person. You may not like it, you may not prefer it, you may feel sad or angry about it, but at a deeper level, you are at peace with it. That alone is a blessing. And sometimes, your shift to acceptance can help things get better.


So kind of like putting someone in a friendfriendzone?


It’s a test from Roblox to see if you can accept this person no matter how horrible he or she might be.

did you accept them though

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So basically you want “… has declined your friend request” messages back?

We’re joking around with the meaning of “accept”

I’m confused lol

What do you suggest as an alternative?

“Accept Friend Request” “Confirm Friend Request” “Accept [Insert Friend-looking Icon]”

ROBLOX should just use the DevForums as their senior UX/UI developer

But I think the idea is that the button size of “Message” and “Accept” be the same.

Using any of your two suggestions would mean the button would need enlarging which is what I think they don’t want to do.

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They aren’t the same size though. They could also just use an icon instead of words. Anyway, “Accept Friend” fits in there nicely.

Okay, granted there’s a minuscule difference between sizing but the fact still remains I believe it’s intended to be a single word. I thought the reason for the profile overhaul was to create a more simplistic style and having single word buttons and features fits in with this.

That’s what you see other single word buttons on the profile page such as:

  • About
  • Creations
  • Trade
  • Inventory

Just to name a few. If we started making updates in which buttons began being longer than a single word, whilst it may seem to not make that much of a difference - the visual difference still remains and piece by piece you start moving away from the intended style.

If they haven’t sent you the friend request the button says “Add Friend” so “Accept Friend” makes sense.


Fair game.