Access individual places within an experience on the Studio homepage

As a Roblox developer, it currently takes too long to get working on my experiences that have multiple places. Here are the steps between opening studio getting an individual place (not game) inside of an experience:

  1. Open Studio
  2. Find game and click on it to to open
  3. Wait for game to fully load
  4. Open Asset Manager
  5. Double click on “places”
  6. Find place and double click it to open
  7. Wait for place to fully load
  8. Get to work

Here’s how it really should go:

  1. Open Studio
  2. Find your place and click it to open
  3. Wait for place to fully load
  4. Get to work

The ability to open any place under a game in Studio without having to open the start place and navigate through the Asset Manager for sub-places would save me so much time. Most of my current projects rely on a start place (aka Hub place) with several other sub-places which you teleport to from the Hub, and it’s not that often that I edit the start place.

I believe multi-place games need more attention when it comes to the workflow of editing them. My primary concern is the process of consistently editing and switching through each sub-place in a game, especially when it comes to packages, as it just bogs and slows me down.

I digress; this would be a great feature for improving the quality of life for editing experiences with more than one place for developers like me who heavily rely on them.


I’m surprised not many people are commenting about this, It’ll be nicer to access places quicker since it’s starting to annoy me every time I want to work on a place that isn’t a start place.

Roblox should really add an option like opening an experience’s asset manager through the “…” button on top and we would be able to manage the experience’s files without opening.

Though only takes a minute or two to open, it’s still a waste of time (and a bit of power + memory). Sadly this doesn’t get enough attention and this post is literally 2 years old…


This functionality already exists. Studio offers a game list view you can toggle it here

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 4.41.04 PM


It only toggles the list view in rows and shows more information about the experiences I’m working on, though it still doesn’t show places from the main experience…


If you click on the place there should be a dropdown to see all the subplaces


Oh right, I could see the places from the experience, thanks for telling.

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