Access Page on Creator Dashboard is missing

I’m trying to change the Access settings for one of my experiences so that it’s private but accessible to group members but the page doesn’t exist at all. This seems to be affecting every single experience of mine, even ones created by myself instead of in a group. I feel this is a pretty high severity since it removes access to an important privacy setting.

Page URL: <[experince id here]/access>


Having issues setting access to experiences too.


Thanks for reporting this! We have a fix queued up that should fix this within the hour!


Should be fixed now, please give it a refresh!


Looking good! Thank you for the quick response.

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Just noticed this, group experiences have access listed for Friends or Public and no option for Group Members. I assume that Friends would be the Group Members option in this context?

Hi Seyai,
Is this an experience that’s owned by you, as the creator, or as the group in question, as the creator. If the group is the creator, you can manage access per group role in the configure group page.

It’s owned by the group as the creator. Was the old Group Members access moved to the configure group page in that case?

I believe the configure group page has always been the place to control group members access to group experiences. Do you happen to have a link for the old Group Members access page that you are referring to?

It was in the old Configure page for a place before migrating to the Creator Dashboard. I only have this old screenshot I could find off Google Images since I can’t get to those pages anymore.

After testing, it appears that using “Friends” on an experience owned by a group actually has the group members behavior. Seems like a visual bug.

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The “Friends” option does not really make sense in the context of games owned by a Group. Can this be adjusted to “Group Members” again?

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