"Access Settings" not working and resulting with an error that says "Could not load this page, please try again later."

Yesterday, I’ve updated the Private Servers’ prices to 99 robux and since then, I’m unable to access the “Access Settings” menu under my game “Pyro Playground”, I’ve tried to log in a different browser and account but nothing seems to work. I need the “Access Settings” menu to work so I can update my private servers’ prices again.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/6092088279/access


Please attach console logs of any red text you’re seeing (Ctrl + Shift + I on most browsers).

Hm. Doesn’t look like these are the right errors. Did you press Ctrl + Shift + I before you tried to access the game settings? Make sure you’re doing this

tried pressing ctrl shift i before opening the access settings page, comes up with this new error
request url: https://develop.roblox.com/v1/universes/6092088279/configuration/vip-servers

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Can you click on it to see the status code and other info? :upside_down_face:

Request URL: https://develop.roblox.com/v1/universes/6092088279/configuration/vip-servers
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 504 Gateway Timeout

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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This error is related to when a server cannot reach a specific service on the server, the issue might be resolved now?

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Hey there, the issue has been fixed, thanks for the support!

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