Accessing File object

How can I use File: GetBinaryContents () to allow importing local files from the computer?

More importantly, how do I even access it? There’s only documentation on the API reference, no code samples or anything, and clicking the function throws a 404 (missing page).

This plugin:

allows you to access files from your computer, it uses this File object somehow I believe - but how?

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StudioService:PromptImportFile returns a File object, so if i create a plain text file with “Hello World” inside it and then use GetBinaryContents() i’ll end up getting “Hello World” back:

local Studio = game:GetService("StudioService")
local obj = Studio:PromptImportFile({"txt"})

print(obj:GetBinaryContents()) -->> Hello World

For uploading assets you can generate a temporary asset id and do something like this for example:

local Studio = game:GetService("StudioService")
local Coregui = game:GetService("CoreGui")

local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", Coregui)
local ImageLabel ="ImageLabel")

local obj = Studio:PromptImportFile({"png"})
ImageLabel.Image = obj:GetTemporaryId()

ImageLabel.Position =,0,.5,0)
ImageLabel.Size =,0,.5,0)
ImageLabel.AnchorPoint =,.5)
ImageLabel.Parent = ScreenGui