Just wondering if it’s possible to access the Game Explorer tab from scripts? Trying to use PreloadAssets and was hoping to just be able to grab the images from the Images section in GameExplorer, as I don’t wanna have to go through and grab ID’s for hundreds of images.
It is not possible to grab a table of images directly uploaded through Game Explorer.
Is there any easy way to load all assets then without having to manually go through all the ids?
Nope. Unless you have such assets in the Workspace which you can throw into a table to be passed to PreloadAsync, you’ll have to hard code all the AssetIds of your game assets to a script that converts them to Instances and preloads them.
If feasible for your situation, I would simply write a short snippet of recursive-code to go through all game assets and to find all the image IDs.
You can’t access game assets from scripts, which is what OP wants to do.
This. You can’t iterate through it with scripts.
For using PreloadAsync, you do not need a list of the asset ideas, just an array of asset instances you want to preload. In addition, the engine will iterate through all the children of any instances you pass in PreloadAsync. For example, if were to pass just a parent GUI object, then it would automatically go through every child in the GUI and preload any images you have in it