Accessories are misplaced on Humanoids

Using the command below lets you copy accessories from the Catalog and into Roblox Studio’s workspace using the hat’s ID.

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ACCESSORY ID).Parent=game.workspace

Screenshot (43)

When I insert some accessories into a Humanoid, they appear in the wrong position of the character.

Here’s what a pair of sunglasses look like when trying it on…

And after copying it with the command and inserting the hat into a Humanoid model, it turns out like this by default.

It’s tedious to have to adjust the hats position manually when they appear ingame. So how can I snap an accessory’s position to exactly how they’re worn in the Catalog when inserted into a Humanoid model?


The only thing I can think of is doing it manually? I’m pretty sure there are multiple attachments on the humanoid head model, including ones for the eye accessories, make sure you use the correct ones.
I can see that your code inserts the accessory but you should try to specify exactly where you want to position it on the humanoid.

If you get the correct values for each accessory part once you can replicate them any time you have to do it again which will save you a lot of time.

For example, Place the accessory manually then copy all the positions of the accessory etc… then put that into code and see if it works, If you do this once for the shades then you can do it again for any other glasses you want to insert as accessories, because you already have the code for it unless the model is drastically different. Each mesh part has a different origin point.

Another thing you can do (LAZY WAY) Is just find an avatar with the same glasses and import the whole thing.

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You have to add all attachments.


I usually use @AlreadyPro’s plugin, spawn avatar and take attachments from there, It already has all needed attachments.


WAIT! I think I figured it out!

When the accessory model is copied and inserted into Studio, the AccessoryWeld child in Handle is not attached from the Handle part to the Humanoid’s head, or it’s completely missing, so remember to add one if it’s missing.

Once you insert a hat into the Humanoid, Part0 needs to connect to the Handle part, and Part1 needs to connect to whatever body part it’s supposed to stay on. In the example below it’s the Humanoid’s head.

This face mask looks like a blindfold when the AccessoryWelds are not connected.

And by connecting Part0 to Handle and Part1 to Head, it’ll show up exactly how the player wears it on the catalog!

If you found this thread in the future, hey future developers.

EDIT: I discovered that accessories that don’t weld the Handle to the head causes problems to the Humanoid’s body parts. I’m yet to find out why.


Hey, late reply but I want to say your solution made more sense to me now as of writing.

What messed me up was asking myself “what are ‘all attachments’?” Now I get that I have to take the Attachments from the Humanoid. Overall, thanks for the advice!

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Hey, I’m sorry for reviving this old topic but attachments seem to be there by default in my characters parts and accessories handles, the only problem is that the attachments (RightShoulder attachments in accessory Handle compared to RightShoulder in UpperTorso, for example) are in different position even though I moved them (or even pasted/duplicated them to get the same position). Yesterday, I created this topic to explain better my problem. I’d appreciate it if you can help me.

Thank you for reading!