Accessories are not loaded when duplicating a character in a Viewportframe using :ApplyDescription()

Well, I am trying to load in each players Viewportframe a character with the avatar of a player using :ApplyDescription , and the error comes when the avatar accessories are not shown , however the accessories do duplicate in the avatar.

For now I am using this Script in ServerScriptService

for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do

	local Winner1Character = game.ServerStorage.GuiResources.Character:Clone()

	Winner1Character.Parent = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("RoundClasificationGui").Frame.Top3.Winner.Icon -- Icon is the Viewportframe



Here is a picture of how it looks like

Ok problem solved, the problem was that I had to join the accessories with the character in the Workspace using a Weld and then put the character inside a WorldModel so that it would not give errors when placing the accessories.

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